If you have a PDF file in spread format like this...
and you want to split one double page into 2 single pages like this...
Here's what you do...
1. Open your PDF with adobe acrobat
2. Go to Document -> Crop pages
3. Set your margin by selecting the left page of the spread.
Set page range to "All" and apply to "Even and Odd Pages" -> Click OK
4. Now you'll have your odd pages.
Save it as another file, say odd.pdf.
5. Repeat step 3 and 4 for the right pages. Save it as even.pdf.
6. Now you need to combine your odd and even pages.
You can use a free open source tool like PDF Split and Merge (PDFsam) to merge your file.
Download here -> http://www.pdfsam.org/?page_id=32
7. On PDFsam, click on "Alternate Mix".
Add odd.pdf and even.pdf to your file list.
Uncheck "Revese first document" and "Reverse second document" options.
Then specify Number of pages to switch document to "1".
And click Run.
That's it! ^_^
You should now have a PDF in single-page format.
Hope this is useful :)
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